Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Knights in Shining Armor

I love cardboard boxes. Their versatility astounds me...

I used a little cardboard, some aluminum foil, tape and hot glue and suddenly my boys are knights in shining armor!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies

These also make GREAT gluten free cookies!!!

3/4 cup crisco
1 1/4 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
2 T. milk
1 T. vanilla
1 egg
1 3/4 cup flour (or gf flour, add a little xanthum gum)
1 tsp. salt
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans (optional)

Heat oven to 375. Combine shortening, brown sugar, milk and vanilla. Beat at medium speed until well blended. Beat egg into creamed mixture. Combine flour, salt, and baking soda. Mix into creamed mixture. Stir in chocolate chips and pecans. Drop tablespoonfuls onto ungreased baking sheet. Bake one sheet at a time. 8-10 minutes for chewy cookies or 11-13 minutes for crisp cookies.
It's a great recipe to double or triple and freeze in ziploc bags for fresh cookies any time.

Thanks for the recipe Leisa.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bad Dreams

The past two nights I have had weird dreams that are probably results from the obsessing I have been doing. For the last week and a half I have been working very hard at getting me and my kids on a schedule, organizing my house and life, and sticking to my budget. I start teaching preschool again on September 1 so I want to make sure everything is in order and I am as prepared as can be so this year will run smoothly. Which brings me back to my dreams...
In my first dream we were on vacation in a motor home (although it was very bizarre and I felt very distressed). The motor home was DISGUSTING! It was filthy dirty and I was so overwhelmed as to where to start cleaning. The most memorable part of the dream was when I was feeding Lucy in the motorhome and a rat runs through it! I'm freaked out by rodents as it is and I'm feeding a baby, so I call to Damon for help. He's busy doing something and not really paying attention. Then the rat comes and tries to climb on me! Gross!!! So when I woke up it was a huge relief to walk into a very clean kitchen.
The second dream I had I had just graduated from high school and the night of graduation I went to the store to buy groceries for my parents (don't ask me where all that came from). It was quite a crazy shopping experience. When I finally went to pay it was super late at night, the store was about to close, and the lines were super long. For some reason it took a long time for the cashier to ring up my items and the final price kept changing. I was trying to count my money to pay but I couldn't do it. The money was out of order and sticking together and I kept getting confused and had to start over. I remember thinking "I used to be a bank teller, why can't I do this?" I finally was able to count out $400 but the cashier told me it wasn't four hundred dollars, it was fourteen hundred!

Organization and finances have been on my mind so I am going to share some of the things I have been working on.

I have created a routine chart that has the things I need to accomplish daily and weekly. I printed it on the computer with the things I need to do daily on one column and the things I need to do weekly on the other column.

For example:
Daily I need to do laundry, chore charts with my kids, dishes, exercise etc.
Weekly I have something different to do each day plus a room to clean. When I say deep clean or organize I choose one or two simple tasks to complete. For example; when I deep cleaned my front room I wiped down my blinds. Here is my list...
Mondays- weekly clean (change sheets, trash, dust, sweep/vacuum, mop, etc) and deep clean or organize my front rooms and porch.
Tuesdays- this is my free day where I can do crafts, projects, etc. and deep clean or organize the kitchen.
Wednesdays- clean bathrooms, clean fridge, and make my grocery list, and deep clean or organize my kid's rooms and office.
Thursdays- paperwork, pay bills, balance checkbook, clean out car and purse, and deep clean or organize my bedroom and bathroom.
Fridays- grocery shopping, run errands, and deep clean or organize the family room and patio.

I printed this list, laminated it, and put a magnet on the back. Now I can hang it and mark on it with a dry erase marker.

I also printed, laminated and put a magnet on a paper that has "freezer" on one column and "deep freeze" on the other. I wrote with a dry erase marker the items I have in each of my freezers. My purpose in this is to know what I have when I make my grocery and dinner lists. I hate over buying or assuming I have something when I really don't, who takes the time to dig through their deep freezer to find out?

I laminated a piece of card stock and put a magnet on it so I can make a to do list. Now I won't have 5 scrap papers filled with lists of things to do floating around my house that I can never seem to find.

The final list I made was one for my meals. I typed on one column "breakfast, lunch, dinner with 1-7 under each one. I left the other column empty. I printed lots of copies and cut them in half. I attached each column with a butterfly clip to a laminated piece of card stock with a magnet on the back. I made my menu for the week on one and my grocery list on the other.

Here is a picture of some of my lists.This is the board in my hallway that I hang everything on.
I bought some shelves from Target to use for preschool. I made the magnetic board I hung above it. This will be a great teaching space for preschool.
I made the magnet board with a picture frame I wasn't using anymore. I bought a piece of sheet metal from Lowe's and scissors to cut it. I cut it the size of my frame, took out the glass and put in my metal.

Finances:Damon and I figured out exactly how much our monthly income is and how much we spend on each of our bills. We then made a list of every bill we thought we could lower. I ended the internet service on my phone and saved almost $50 a month! I asked my dr. to double the dosage on my prescription so I can cut each pill in half. That way I am making the same co payment but only every other month. We also decided on a grocery amount for the month. I take that amount out in cash and have to budget carefully so it will last all month. I make a meal plan each week and do our grocery shopping around that so I am not buying things we don't need. We stopped going out to eat and Damon is taking his lunches to work. We also decided to put gas in our cars on Friday and only put a certain amount in. We have to make sure we don't drive any more than needed so our gas can last all week. It's amazing the money we have been able to save by only making a few changes.