Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Healthy Foods

I was driving in the car with my kids when Jackson made a random comment that left me laughing and feeling quite disgusted. Jackson said to me in a very thoughtful/ wishful thinking tone, "Mom, I wish boogers were healthy." I was dying on the inside, trying not to laugh and at the same time feeling a little nauseous. On the outside I tried to stay composed and asked him why. His response, "because boogers are so gooood, just not healthy for us."
A few years ago I gave up on nagging my kids to stop picking their noses and focused my attention on not eating their boogers. I had to pick my battles and decided to make stepping stones. The first step would be to get them to stop eating their boogers. Then I would work on not picking their noses. After a few months of working on the no eating booger thing Jackson said, "I really want to eat my boogers. They just taste so good." Well, he's four and a half now and even though the tempation is still there he (for the most part) shows great restraint against the desire to eat his boogers. Picking is still another issue...

1 comment:

  1. I am so so glad my kids don't eat theirs, but I still struggle with them picking and wiping on the furniture. Kaleb's side of their dresser gets caked with them, it really is disgusting.
