Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More TV?

Today was kind of stressfull. I had three doctors appointments and was gone ALL day. The first two appointments were really good and informational and the kids were with my mom. But the last one was for the boys because they have been sick and are not getting better. After about an hour and a half of being at the doctor with all three of my kiddos I spent another hour and a half driving around, dropping off and picking up prescriptions (all 5 of them), going to Target to let my kids spend their Christmas money while we wait for our prescriptions, going to pick up the medicine and finding out there was an issue with our insurance, and finally driving home. Once we got home my kids were done. Lucy was crying and the boys were lying on the couch almost lethargic. I had to spoon feed them because they need food with their medicine. Finally, the medicine, rest and food kicked in and they started acting normal again. So I asked "do you want more to eat?" Harrison promptly replied, "I want more TV!"

I said "who wants more to EAT?" not "who wants more TV?"

But I guess he's feeling better...


  1. Sounds like something my kids would say, especially after such a hectic day. I hope they feel better soon!

  2. Sorry you had such a lousy day! Hope things get back to "normal" soon! Let me know if there is anything I can do.
