Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sometimes I just need to LAUGH!

I'm not the type of person who laughs a lot or who regularly laughs out loud. Lately I have been taking life too seriously. With life being as crazy as it is I almost deleted this blog, but then I realized I need an outlet and I need to laugh. So my goal for this year is to regularly post things that make me laugh. So here it goes...

Bees, Bee Pollen, and Being Sick...

I've heard a lot about the benefits of bee pollen, how it helps with allergies and boosts your immune system, etc. I decided to buy some and see if it will help my family. I was literally standing in the parking lot of Sprouts unloading Jackson and Lucy from the car so I could purchase my bee pollen to improve my families health when the school nurse called to tell me Harrison was sick and I needed to pick him up. Talk about irony. So I hurry into Sprouts, buy my bee pollen pill then rush to the school to pick up my sick child. While driving and thinking about the irony of my situation I got an image in my mind of my husband with a bee stuck to his lip. You may laugh now because I did to... So a few years ago Damon and I went to the lake with some of his brothers and sisters. We were having a good time water skiing and wake boarding when Damon takes a drink from his soda and proceeds to freak out. A bee had flown into his pop can and when he took a drink the bee did what bees do and stung him, right on the lip. Not only was he stung but the bee was stuck to his lip! We did get the bee off and the swelling wasn't too bad. But the image of Damon with a bee hanging from his lip was enough to make me laugh out loud, multiple times through out my day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you didn't delete it! I need to laugh more too!
